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Kaydon information about cookies

Kaydon Corporation ("Kaydon") website uses cookies. A cookie is an element of data that a web site can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. Kaydon uses cookies to coordinate the information on our web sites as closely as possible to the preferences of you as a visitor (such as country and language choices). Further, cookies help to tailor the information the web site will provide to you upon a return visit. Items such as a username, should you have registered with this web site, may be stored via a cookie.

Kaydon cookies
On Kaydon's web site, both transient and persistent cookies are used. With transient cookies we refer to cookies that are only kept in memory within the lifespan of the user's session with the site. These cookies are not persisted to the end user's system.

Persistent cookies make it possible for our web site to recognize you whenever you return to our web site so that the settings you have made during previous visits are recognized so you don't need to reset them every visit. Persistent cookies are persistently stored on the client system (hard drive or elsewhere), the lifetime of these cookies can span from a few seconds to several years. Examples of where Kaydon uses persistent cookies are to remember country/language selections; helping with collecting statistics; and for remembering if the user already has responded to an on line survey.

If you don't wish to accept cookies from the Kaydon web site you can: leave this web site, or configure your browser to either notify you when you receive a cookie (giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it) or to block all or certain categories of cookies. The browser can also delete previously stored cookies. Please see your browser's help facility for information on setting how cookies are handled. Even if you have turned off the setting in your browser that allows the use of cookies, you can still visit most of the sections available at Kaydon's web site.


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